Howdy techie,
The social media have become an essential part of our life and even a kids have started maintaining it . But what is the difference when all are using the same social media. Well so we will have a look few of most used commands/shortcuts which will make you an advanced user. Let’s see the time saving/smart User commands and their usage.
#1 Write a message
Use the key : ALT+M in windows after opening facebook in a browser.
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+M
- Windows: Alt+M
#2 Access home page : Now no need to go through a home button and save time by using this .
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+1
- Windows: Alt+1
#3 See the profile page by the shortcut below
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+2
- Windows: Alt+2
#4 Messages , Check all your messages
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+4
- Windows: Alt+4
#5 Check notifications
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+5
- Windows: Alt+5
#6 Account Settings
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+6
- Windows: Alt+6
#7 Privacy Setting
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+7
- Windows: Alt+7
#8 Official facebook
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+8
- Windows: Alt+8
#9 Service Agreement
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+9
- Windows: Alt+9
#10 Help Center
- Mac: CTRL+Alt+0
- Windows: Alt+0