These are the tips which you can use to make your connection faster.
#Given Speed Vs plan you bought
Check if your Internet Service provider is not giving you proper Speed.
VPN will give you a better experience of using Internet. It creates a seperate connection to the host by assigning a different IP address.
NOTE: Using VPN may allow you to open all the sites blocked in your country!
#Keep monitoring your Who is using
Is this only your devices who uses your connection who uses your wifi or others too.
- You can use WHO IS ON MY WIFI to check other connections.
Download : Who is on my wifi
Download link is give below.
[sociallocker]Android Windows/MAC [/sociallocker]
#Ethernet instead of using WiFi
Possibly if you are at your laptop of desktop try using a lan connection .
Why to use LAN ?
Because there is almost no data loss while transmission.
#Empty your recycleBin
If you are a windows user, then you can simply do that by [Right click recycle bin icon=> and empty recycle Bin]
#Monitor even when you are not using
- Sometimes the service provider cheats their customers by sharing the password to someone else. This was possible in Hyderabad,India .
- A hacker can be A MAN IN MIDDLE Who might use your internet connection .
#Use Secure network
Skip this if you have a password for your wifi. Set a strong password for your wifi and other internet sources. like Hotspot
# Remove unnecessary extension
If you are a computer internet user you might be using some plugins or Extension to have few extra features in your browser. So, remove all the unnecessary Extensions or plugins.
#Clean your history
Clean your Browser History. When you have much history stored in your browser It slows down your speed and consumes more power. So to use you phone efficiently you should clean your history once a week.
Chrome : MAC Clean it Now, WINDOWS Clean it Now
Firefox : Go to menu find history and cache panel and delete all
- See “YouTube Rewind“
#Use a good Browser
If you need performance then use chrome, But If you need performance with privacy use Firefox . For mobile device opt Chrome if no the go with UC Browser .
#Clean your cache [Unnecessary website old data]
Clean it now
Chrome MAC WINDOWS => (Clean Browser Data )
Firefox MAC WINDOWS => Menu=>history=> Delete them
#Reduce the distance between computer and router
Do not maintain more distance between the device you are using and Your router. It is important to maintain good network strength .
#Clean your system cache
Using a desktop, Then clean all the cache data store in your system. In windows you can do it
by RUN => %temp% => Enter
Then select all and delete it permanently.
Use shortcut keys
Windows + R Enter [RUN]
CTRL + A [Select all]
Shift Delete enter [Permanently Delete]
#Restart your modem
Restart the modem by simply through the power source.
Read here [3 ways to restart your modem remotely]