Computer Programming is all about having fun, it not at all just about doing 9 to 5 jobs. The real coders, Programmers, Hackers makes their life fun by doing a lot of things in real time.
One of the funniest video we found on the internet was hacking the complete building.
This hack was done through the internet by the help of compatable hardware. A main component of this hack was a small connectable computer(Raspberry Pi) and some high ampere relays.
Relays: Relays are basically the switcher which turn the whole connection ON and OFF.

RaspberryPi: This is a small pocket size CPU which can run with This is a small pocket size CPU which can run with 3.5V power connection. Amazingly it also runs with a 5.5 volt power banks and amazingly the power bank support goes for a long time.

So if you are someone who wants to use your raspberry pi then you should give a try to the power bank to make your raspberry pi wireless.